What do I need to set the stock level to?
You don’t. Using the matched SKU, the stock level available on Bandcamp is automatically synced every hour with the amount of available stock at our warehouse (this takes into account store allocations).
If we have no stock currently available at the warehouse and you wish for stock to be available for sale on your Bandcamp account (e.g. you want to take preorders in advance of the finished copies arriving at our warehouse), please contact your label manager for options on how to arrange this.
A customer is wanting to change their address on an order that has not yet shipped.
Please instruct them to update the address for the order displayed on their purchases page. Our setup will recognise the change and update accordingly before shipment. If this is urgent or not possible please notify warehouse@support.kudosdistribution.co.uk
I’d like to allocate a certain amount of stock for my store
This is possible however please instruct your label manager with the amounts required to do so. The amount will need to be physically set aside from available stock and a hard allocation set up. Please note, as the available inventory will not be tracked, any stock replenishments will not be synced – either a hard allocation can be set again or the inventory can be tracked as normal.